

python Programming Glossary: attrname

python : how to access object attribute given string corresponding to name of that attribute?


in functions called getattr and setattr getattr object attrname setattr object attrname value In this case x getattr t attr1.. getattr and setattr getattr object attrname setattr object attrname value In this case x getattr t attr1 setattr t 'attr1' 21 ..

What are your (concrete) use-cases for metaclasses in Python?


cls .__init__ name bases d for base in bases for attrname in dir base if attrname in d continue # If overridden don't.. bases d for base in bases for attrname in dir base if attrname in d continue # If overridden don't reset attr getattr cls.. d continue # If overridden don't reset attr getattr cls attrname if type attr types.MethodType if attrname.startswith add_..