

python Programming Glossary: autocmd

gVim and multiple programming languages


vimrc and modify appropriately for different languages autocmd FileType python set tabstop 4 set shiftwidth 4 set expandtab..

.vimrc configuration for Python


ctermfg DarkGray set listchars tab trail ~ set list autocmd BufRead .py set smartindent cinwords if elif else for while.. improve this question The short answer is that your autocmd is missing the BufEnter trigger so it isn't being fired when..

How do you automatically remove the preview window after autocompletion in Vim?


it on movement in insert mode or when leaving insert mode autocmd CursorMovedI if pumvisible 0 pclose endif autocmd InsertLeave.. mode autocmd CursorMovedI if pumvisible 0 pclose endif autocmd InsertLeave if pumvisible 0 pclose endif share improve this..

Problem with Vim omnicomplete and system Python


filetype plugin on set ofu syntaxcomplete#Complete autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete When.. setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete # Or by autocmd autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete.. setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete # Or by autocmd autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete ..

Vim, Python, and Django autocompletion (pysmell?)


export to your .bashrc add the source to your .vimrc setup autocmd FileType python set omnifunc pysmell#Complete etc. Let me know.. site packages EOF exe source ~ src pysmell pysmell.vim autocmd FileType python set omnifunc pysmell#Complete share improve..