

python Programming Glossary: attr

Python output buffering


data self.stream.write data self.stream.flush def __getattr__ self attr return getattr self.stream attr import sys sys.stdout.. data self.stream.flush def __getattr__ self attr return getattr self.stream attr import sys sys.stdout Unbuffered.. data self.stream.flush def __getattr__ self attr return getattr self.stream attr import sys sys.stdout Unbuffered sys.stdout..

How does one do the equivalent of “import * from module” with Python's __import__ function?


is magic import . If you really want to m __import__ S try attrlist m.__all__ except AttributeError attrlist dir m for attr.. __import__ S try attrlist m.__all__ except AttributeError attrlist dir m for attr in attrlist globals attr getattr m attr .. m.__all__ except AttributeError attrlist dir m for attr in attrlist globals attr getattr m attr share improve this..

Sanitising user input using Python


will remove all tags not on the white list and all tag attributes not on the attribues whitelist so you can't use onclick.. not on the white list and all tag attributes not on the attribues whitelist so you can't use onclick . It is a modified version.. www.djangosnippets.org snippets 205 with the regex on the attribute values to prevent people from using href javascript .....

Accessing dict keys like an attribute in Python?


dict keys like an attribute in Python I find it more conveniant to access dict keys.. so I wrote this snippet class AttributeDict dict def __getattr__ self attr return self attr def __setattr__ self attr value.. this snippet class AttributeDict dict def __getattr__ self attr return self attr def __setattr__ self attr value self attr value..

Python dictionary from an object's fields


include methods. Only fields. Thanks python dictionary attributes object metaprogramming share improve this question .. you'll declare your methods at class level and your attributes at instance level so __dict__ should be fine. For example.. already a dictionary and if you want you can override getattr and or setattr to call through and set the dict. For example..

Python xlwt - accessing existing cell content, auto-adjust column width


self.widths c width self.sheet.col c .width width def __getattr__ self attr return getattr self.sheet attr All the magic is.. c width self.sheet.col c .width width def __getattr__ self attr return getattr self.sheet attr All the magic is in John Yeung's.. c .width width def __getattr__ self attr return getattr self.sheet attr All the magic is in John Yeung's arial10 module..

How can I intercept calls to python's “magic” methods in new style classes?


object def __init__ self it self._data list it def __getattr__ self name attr object.__getattribute__ self._data name if.. self it self._data list it def __getattr__ self name attr object.__getattribute__ self._data name if callable attr def.. list it def __getattr__ self name attr object.__getattribute__ self._data name if callable attr def wrapper a kw print..