

python Programming Glossary: autoclass

Using sphinx to auto-document a python class, module


mod segments Module .. automodule segments.segments .. autoclass segments.segments.Seg Still can't get sphinx to directly document.. Add to the begining of the file .. module SegLib Try using autoclass directive for class doc. BTW module names should be lower_case...

Sphinx — combining automodule and autoclass


&mdash combining automodule and autoclass Unless I'm missing something Sphinx's autocmodule will only.. a way automatically get the behavior of automodule and autoclass combined in such a way that I can automatically get documentation..

Good examples of Python docstrings for Sphinx


source for a small demo project that uses automodule and autoclass http packages.python.org an_example_pypi_project sphinx.html#full..

How to use Sphinx's autodoc to document a class's __init__(self) method?


tried the following .. automodule mymodule members and ..autoclass MyClass members In conf.py setting the following only appends.. mentions nothing regarding the problem I'm trying to solve autoclass_content 'both' python python sphinx autodoc share improve.. members in addition to __init__ . Use automethod .. autoclass MyClass members .. automethod __init__ This has to be added..

Sphinx values for attributes reported as None


Attribute None Some Documentation I include it like .. autoclass core.SomeClass members And my code looks like class SomeClass..