

python Programming Glossary: attribute

What is a metaclass in Python?


can assign it to a variable you can copy it you can add attributes to it you can pass it as a function parameter e.g. print ObjectCreator.. '__main__.ObjectCreator' print hasattr ObjectCreator 'new_attribute' False ObjectCreator.new_attribute 'foo' # you can add attributes.. ObjectCreator 'new_attribute' False ObjectCreator.new_attribute 'foo' # you can add attributes to a class print hasattr ObjectCreator..

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python


are simply to indicate to other programmers that the attribute or method is intended to be private. However nothing special.. line 1 in module AttributeError myClass instance has no attribute '__superprivate' print mc._semiprivate world print mc.__dict__..

In Python, how do I determine if an object is iterable?


is list like and not string like then the key is the attributes __getitem__ and __iter__ In 9 hasattr 1 2 3 4 '__iter__' Out.. determines an object's type by inspection of its method or attribute signature rather than by explicit relationship to some type..

Python: Difference between class and instance attributes


Difference between class and instance attributes Is there any meaningful distinction between class A object.. of the two styles to be significantly different python attributes share improve this question Beyond performance considerations.. there is a significant semantic difference. In the class attribute case there is just one object referred to. In the instance attribute..

Python 'self' explained


Python does not use the @ syntax to refer to instance attributes. Python decided to do methods in a way that makes the instance.. have done something else to distinguish normal names from attributes special syntax like Ruby has or requiring declarations like.. do it entirely everywhere it does do it for instance attributes. That's why assigning to an instance attribute needs to know..

In a django form, How to make a field readonly (or disabled) so that it cannot be edited?


must scrub the input in addition to setting the readonly attribute on the form field class ItemForm ModelForm def __init__ self.. indicating you're editing. You could also set the attribute disabled on the input field instead of readonly . The clean_sku..

Why are Python's 'private' methods not actually private?


last File line 1 in AttributeError MyClass instance has no attribute '__myPrivateMethod' dir obj '_MyClass__myPrivateMethod' '__doc__'.. last File line 1 in AttributeError MyClass instance has no attribute '__myPrivateMethod' Everything looks good here we're unable.. don't accidentally override the private methods and attributes of their superclasses. It's not designed to prevent deliberate..

How to do relative imports in Python?


From PEP 328 Relative imports use a module's __name__ attribute to determine that module's position in the package hierarchy...

Making a flat list out of list of lists in Python [duplicate]


in File line 1 in AttributeError 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'extend' python list share improve this question item for..

Adding a Method to an Existing Object


argument whenever the method is called. Callables that are attributes of a class as opposed to an instance are still unbound though.. are updated as well as long as they haven't overridden the attribute themselves a.fooFighters fooFighters The problem comes when.. stdin line 1 in module AttributeError A instance has no attribute 'barFighters' More information can be found by reading about..

XML to pandas dataframe


Filling out a form using PyQt and QWebview


passwd doc.findFirst input id master_password user.setAttribute value email@email.com passwd.setAttribute value password button.. user.setAttribute value email@email.com passwd.setAttribute value password button doc.findFirst input id master_sign in.. this question This helped me to make it work user.setAttribute value email@email.com user.evaluateJavaScript this.value 'email@email.com'..

Why isn't assertRaises catching my Attribute Error using python unittest?


isn't assertRaises catching my Attribute Error using python unittest I'm trying to run this test self.assertRaises.. unittest I'm trying to run this test self.assertRaises AttributeError branch 0 .childrennodes and branch 0 does not have an attribute.. an attribute childrennodes so it should be throwing an AttributeError which the assertRaises should catch but when I run the..

Counter in Collections module Python


module. However I keep getting the same error message AttributeError 'module' object has no attribute 'Counter' I have tried.. collect # collect.Counter For both of those I keep getting Attribute Error. I have also tried from collections import Counter And..

override at runtime __setattr__


It's documented in Data model section Class Instances Attribute assignments and deletions update the instance ™s dictionary never..

How to make built-in containers (sets, dicts, lists) thread safe?


a TypeError is raised def frobnify self pass Override Attribute access with __getattribute__ class AttrLockedSet set def __init__..

Python Google App Engine Image object


Type' 'image jpeg' self.response.out.write img Has Attribute error AttributeError 'Image' object has no attribute 'size'.. jpeg' self.response.out.write img Has Attribute error AttributeError 'Image' object has no attribute 'size' So the Image instance..

what's the biggest difference between dir and __dict__ in python


most recent call last File stdin line 1 in module AttributeError 'Foo' object has no attribute '__dict__' dir Foo '__class__'.. most recent call last File stdin line 1 in module AttributeError 'list' object has no attribute '__dict__' dir '__add__'.. most recent call last File stdin line 1 in module AttributeError 'Foo' object has no attribute 'ham' Foo.ham 'eggs' f.ham..

'AttributeError' while trying to create a console screen using urwid


while trying to create a console screen using urwid code.. request being here . However running the code fails as an AttributeError is raised as described below. On looking at source code.. self._topmost_widget.render self.screen_size focus True AttributeError 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'render' The code import..

How to pass SOAP headers into python SUDS that are not defined in WSDL file


import Element from suds.sax.attribute import Attribute from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Import def absoluteMove # connects.. 'wsa' 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org ws 2004 08 addressing' mustAttribute Attribute 'SOAP ENV mustUnderstand' 'true' n1s 'SOAP ENC' 'http.. schemas.xmlsoap.org ws 2004 08 addressing' mustAttribute Attribute 'SOAP ENV mustUnderstand' 'true' n1s 'SOAP ENC' 'http www.w3.org..

Purpose of Zope Interfaces?


use it in your tests from zope.interface import Interface Attribute implements class IFoo Interface ... x Attribute The X attribute.. Interface Attribute implements class IFoo Interface ... x Attribute The X attribute ... y Attribute The Y attribute class Foo object.. class IFoo Interface ... x Attribute The X attribute ... y Attribute The Y attribute class Foo object ... implements IFoo ... x 1..

Attribute BOLD doesn't seem to work in my curses


BOLD doesn't seem to work in my curses I use something like..

How would you determine where each property and method of a Python class is defined?


8 whither b 'x' ab.py class 'a.B' 9 whither b 'spigot' Attribute 'spigot' is a data attribute I want to use this while introspecting..

Store an instance of a connection - twisted.web


in session . cache from zope.interface import Interface Attribute implements from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter.. import Resource class ICounter Interface value Attribute An int value which counts up once per page view. class Counter..

Django dynamic model fields


has some thriving forks This solution is based on Entity Attribute Value data model essentially it uses several tables to store.. Encounter eav.register Encounter eav.register Patient Attribute.objects.create name 'age' datatype Attribute.TYPE_INT Attribute.objects.create.. Patient Attribute.objects.create name 'age' datatype Attribute.TYPE_INT Attribute.objects.create name 'height' datatype Attribute.TYPE_FLOAT..

How does python compare functions?


does python compare functions How come this doesn't rise Attribute error function object doesn't have any of the comparison methods...

How the method resolution and invocation works internally in Python?


have the same semantics foo.bar method foo.bar method Attribute lookup in Python is a rather complex process. Say we are looking.. obj '__getattr__' if getattr_method is NotFound raise AttributeError return getattr_method obj attr if is_descriptor class_attr_value..

Sphinx values for attributes reported as None


as it says it should here under #437 but always as None Attribute None Some Documentation I include it like .. autoclass core.SomeClass..