

python Programming Glossary: audioop

Eclipse, PyDev and Python configuration error


array forced_lib forced_lib atexit forced_lib forced_lib audioop forced_lib forced_lib binascii forced_lib forced_lib builtins..

Python 3.1.1 with --enable-shared : will not build any extensions


_socket _sqlite3 _ssl _struct _testcapi array atexit audioop binascii bz2 cmath crypt datetime fcntl grp itertools math mmap..

How get sound input from microphone in python, and process it on the fly?


run it and shout at your microphone import alsaaudio time audioop # Open the device in nonblocking capture mode. The last argument..

Detect and record a sound with python


get the desired behavior. Edit You can use the built in audioop package to find the root mean square rms of a sample which is.. which is generally how you would get the level. import audioop import pyaudio chunk 1024 p pyaudio.PyAudio stream p.open format.. True frames_per_buffer chunk data stream.read chunk rms audioop.rms data 2 #width 2 for format paInt16 share improve this..

How to edit raw PCM audio data without an audio library?


obvious because nobody mentioned the following two modules audioop manipulate raw audio data wave read and write WAV files Perhaps..