

python Programming Glossary: autocommit

What is an efficent way of inserting thousands of records into an SQLite table using Django?


transaction def viewfunc request # This code executes in autocommit mode Django's default . do_stuff with transaction.atomic # This..

How do I do database transactions with psycopg2/python db api?


object. As Federico wrote here the meaning of n is 0 autocommit 1 read committed 2 serialized but not officially supported by..

sqlalchemy cursor error during yield_per


is interfering with .yield_per sessionmaker_ sessionmaker autocommit False autoflush False bind engine session scoped_session sessionmaker_..

Threaded Django task doesn't automatically handle transactions or db connections?


answer to my own question Transactions Django's default autocommit behavior still holds true for my threaded function. However..

Python MySQL - SELECTs work but not DELETEs?


or won t go away Starting with 1.2.0 MySQLdb disables autocommit by default as required by the DB API standard PEP 249 . If you..

Python's MySqlDB not getting updated row


carried out by a tomcat webapp using JDBC that is set on autocommit. python mysql share improve this question This is an InnoDB.. right InnoDB is transactional storage engine. Setting autocommit to true will probably fix this behavior for you. conn.autocommit.. to true will probably fix this behavior for you. conn.autocommit True Alternatively you could change the transaction isolation..

Why doesn't this loop display an updated object count every five seconds?


transaction from django.db import transaction @transaction.autocommit def my_count while True transaction.commit print Number of Things.. Thing.objects.count time.sleep 5 note that the transaction.autocommit decorator is only for entering transaction management mode this.. functions . One more thing to be aware Django's autocommit is not the same autocommit you have in database it's completely..

Database on the fly with scripting languages


mapper CsvTable table session create_session bind engine autocommit False autoflush True Now you can query the database filtering..

Executing “SELECT … WHERE … IN …” using MySQLdb


11 45 41 1 Connect unutbu@localhost on test 1 Query set autocommit 0 1 Query SELECT fooid FROM foo WHERE bar IN 'A' 'C' 1 Query..

Python+MySQL - Bulk Insert


way. The problem with bulk insertions is that by default autocommit is enabled thus causing each insert statement to be saved to.. As the manual page notes By default MySQL runs with autocommit mode enabled. This means that as soon as you execute a statement.. stores the update on disk to make it permanent. To disable autocommit mode use the following statement SET autocommit 0 After disabling..

SQLAlchemy proper session handling in multi-thread applications


scoped_session sessionmaker autoflush True autocommit False bind self.db_engine def _worker self db_session self.DBSession.. False DBSession scoped_session sessionmaker autoflush True autocommit False bind db_engine class MTWorker object def __init__ self..