

python Programming Glossary: atom

How to trouble-shoot HDFStore Exception: cannot find the correct atom type


trouble shoot HDFStore Exception cannot find the correct atom type I am looking for some general guidance on what kinds of.. the debugging HDFStore Exception cannot find the correct atom type . I am reading in a simple csv file of mixed data types.. this exception Exception Exception cannot find the correct atom type dtype object items Index Usa geBand saledate fiModelDesc..

Feedparser - retrieve old messages from Google Reader


use the Google Reader RSS cache http www.google.com reader atom feed http 3A feeds.folha.uol.com.br folha emcimadahora rss091.xml..

How to auto log into gmail atom feed with Python?


to auto log into gmail atom feed with Python Gmail has this sweet thing going on to get.. with Python Gmail has this sweet thing going on to get an atom feed def gmail_url user pwd return https str user str pwd @gmail.google.com.. return https str user str pwd @gmail.google.com gmail feed atom Now when you do this in a browser it authenticates and forwards..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


'^' multop ' ' ' ' addop ' ' ' ' integer ' ' ' ' '0'..'9' atom PI E real fn ' ' expr ' ' ' ' expr ' ' factor atom expop factor.. atom PI E real fn ' ' expr ' ' ' ' expr ' ' factor atom expop factor term factor multop factor expr term addop term.. div expop Literal ^ pi CaselessLiteral PI expr Forward atom Optional oneOf pi e fnumber ident lpar expr rpar .setParseAction..

Checking validity of email in django/python


re.compile r ^ # ' ^_` ~0 9A Z . # ' ^_` ~0 9A Z # dot atom r' ^ 001 010 013 014 016 037 # 177 001 011 013 014 016 177 '..

Reversing a regular expression in python


in a regex we can ignore 6 completely 2 even with the atom they apply to 4.5 lead to a trivial replacement and 1.5 make..

Is there a way to get your email address after authenticating with Gmail using Oauth?


to access the gmail scope https mail.google.com mail feed atom You will also need to ask for permission for the contacts scope..

Calculating the distance between atomic coordinates


atomic coordinates I have a text file as shown below ATOM 920 CA GLN A 203 39.292 13.354 17.416 1.00 55.76 C ATOM 929.. ATOM 920 CA GLN A 203 39.292 13.354 17.416 1.00 55.76 C ATOM 929 CA HIS A 204 38.546 15.963 14.792 1.00 29.53 C ATOM 939.. C ATOM 929 CA HIS A 204 38.546 15.963 14.792 1.00 29.53 C ATOM 939 CA ASN A 205 39.443 17.018 11.206 1.00 54.49 C ATOM 947..

How to Calculate Centroid in python


which have xyz coordinate information last three col ATOM 1 N SER A 1 27.130 7.770 34.390 ATOM 2 1H SER A 1 27.990 7.760.. last three col ATOM 1 N SER A 1 27.130 7.770 34.390 ATOM 2 1H SER A 1 27.990 7.760 34.930 ATOM 3 2H SER A 1 27.160 6.960.. 27.130 7.770 34.390 ATOM 2 1H SER A 1 27.990 7.760 34.930 ATOM 3 2H SER A 1 27.160 6.960 33.790 ATOM 4 3H SER A 1 27.170 8.580..

Download a spreadsheet from Google Docs using Python


I'm having no luck I can't figure out their compilcated ATOM like feeds API the gdata.docs.service.DocsService._DownloadFile..