

python Programming Glossary: foometa

Python metaclasses: Why isn't __setattr__ called for attributes set during class definition?


class definition I have the following python code class FooMeta type def __setattr__ self name value print name value return.. __setattr__ self name value print name value return super FooMeta self .__setattr__ name value class Foo object __metaclass__.. .__setattr__ name value class Foo object __metaclass__ FooMeta FOO 123 def a self pass I would have expected __setattr__ of..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


Python Class Decorator


Example def substitute_init self id args kwargs pass class FooMeta type def __new__ cls name bases attrs attrs '__init__' substitute_init.. bases attrs attrs '__init__' substitute_init return super FooMeta cls .__new__ cls name bases attrs class Foo object __metaclass__.. cls name bases attrs class Foo object __metaclass__ FooMeta def __init__ self value1 pass Replacing the constructor is perhaps..