

python Programming Glossary: forloop.counter

Python-Django: ifchanged template tag


need fo find each employee ID has how many records through forloop.counter individually Here my problems are... If my loop coming to ifchanged.. If my loop coming to ifchanged eachSc.laEmpNum then my forloop.counter should start with 0 zero again. result 5.5 4.5 1.3 which i am.. 1 Tot result td endifchanged tr td bgcolor #FFFACD width 1 forloop.counter td td bgcolor #CCFACD width 1 eachSc.sName td td bgcolor #CCF0F5..

Decode json and Iterate through items in django template


like so... ul id results for result in results li Result forloop.counter result.URL result.PlaylistID result.Name ... li endfor ul The..

Django Template - New Variable Declaration


the for loop. It automatically creates a variable called forloop.counter that holds the current iteration index. As far as the greater..

How do I add a link from the Django admin page of one object to the admin page of a related object?


inline_admin_form.original else # forloop.counter endif span to h3 b inline_admin_formset.opts.verbose_name title.. a else inline_admin_form.original endifequal else # forloop.counter endif span to create a link to the post admin page since here..

django for loop counter break


like pseudocode for photos in gallery.photo_set if forloop.counter lt 3 img src photos.url endif endfor Judging from the documentation..