

python Programming Glossary: formdata

How can I send data to Chrome extension?


to the app like this not tried yet in options.html var formData new FormData formData.append extension_user userEmail var xhr.. not tried yet in options.html var formData new FormData formData.append extension_user userEmail var xhr new XMLHttpRequest xhr.open.. POST http ting 1.appspot.com authsender true xhr.send formData In the app the handler AuthSender sends the confirmation email..

Can I test XMLHttpRequest() in SDK with localhost?


chooser without any value Is this valid javascript var formData new FormData formData.append chooser user var xhr new XMLHttpRequest.. value Is this valid javascript var formData new FormData formData.append chooser user var xhr new XMLHttpRequest is it ok to test.. request 200 OK else console.log connection error xhr.send formData Is the problem with the XHR call or with the App UPDATE I am..

Crawling LinkedIn while authenticated with Scrapy


login request. return FormRequest.from_response response formdata 'session_key' 'user@email.com' 'session_password' 'somepassword'..

Ordered ManyToManyField that can be used in fieldsets


list of contestant IDs we get from the results field. formdata enumerate map int self.cleaned_data 'results' .split ' ' 1 for.. 'results' .split ' ' 1 for rank contestant in formdata ContestResults.objects.create contest instance contestant_id..

wtforms Form class subclassing and field ordering


class UpdateUserForm UserForm def __init__ self formdata None obj None prefix '' kwargs self._unbound_fields 4 1 TextField.. widget PasswordInput UserForm.__init__ self formdata None obj None prefix '' kwargs Finally what I need class UpdateUserForm.. I need class UpdateUserForm UserForm def __init__ self formdata None obj None prefix '' kwargs UserForm.__init__ self formdata..

Using Scrapy with authenticated (logged in) user session


self response return FormRequest.from_response response formdata 'username' 'john' 'password' 'secret' callback self.after_login..

Crawling with an authenticated session in Scrapy


self response return FormRequest.from_response response formdata 'name' 'herman' 'password' 'password' callback self.parse def.. login request. return FormRequest.from_response response formdata 'name' 'herman' 'password' 'password' callback self.check_login_response..