

python Programming Glossary: forms.modelform

Extending the user profile in Django. Admin creation of users


You need to override it manually class UserProfileForm forms.ModelForm def __init__ self args kwargs super UserProfileForm self .__init__..

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted


steps_count.models import Top_List class Top_List_Form forms.ModelForm class Meta model Top_List views.py # Create your views here...

Django admin, custom error message?


from models import from django import forms class MyForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model MyModel def clean_points self points self.cleaned_data..

Django/Python: How to read a file and validate that it is an audio file? [duplicate]


to disk . How should I do this class UploadAudioForm forms.ModelForm audio_file forms.FileField def clean_audio_file self file self.cleaned_data.get..

Django Admin: Ordering of ForeignKey and ManyToManyField relations referencing User


correct ordering from django import forms class TeamForm forms.ModelForm manager forms.ModelChoiceField queryset User.objects.order_by..

How to create a UserProfile form in Django with first_name, last_name modifications?


question Here is how I finally did class UserProfileForm forms.ModelForm first_name forms.CharField label _ u'Prénom' max_length 30 last_name..

Django edit form based on add form?


to omit the author field from the form class ArticleForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Article exclude 'author' share improve this..

Django - Working with multiple forms


from mysite.polls.models import Poll Choice class PollForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Poll class ChoiceForm forms.ModelForm class.. forms.ModelForm class Meta model Poll class ChoiceForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Choice exclude 'poll' So what I want to do..

Django Multiple Choice Field / Checkbox Select Multiple


max_length 50 And my form class class ProfileForm forms.ModelForm choice_field forms.MultipleChoiceField choices SAMPLE_CHOICES.. Now the ModelForm will build itself... class ProfileForm forms.ModelForm Meta model Profile exclude 'user' And finally the view if request.method..

Using Django time/date widgets in custom form


django.contrib.admin import widgets class ProductForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Product def __init__ self args kwargs super..

Django Admin: Using a custom widget for only one model field


'widgets' to its Meta class like so class StopAdminForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Stop widgets 'approve_ts' ApproveStopWidget..

Django: ModelMultipleChoiceField doesn't select initial choices


on the base ModelForm class via super . class Action_Form forms.ModelForm def __init__ self args kwargs super Action_Form self .__init__..

Adding extra fields to django-registration form


from models import Organization class OrganizationForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Organization RegistrationForm.base_fields.update..

Improving Python/django view code


Makes the process easier. # forms.py class UserProfileForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model UserProfile widgets 'user' forms.HiddenInput..

Override Django form field's name attr


'field1' 'html_field1' 'field2' 'html_field2' class MyForm forms.ModelForm def add_prefix self field_name # look up field name return original..

How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in models.py?


__unicode__ self return self.username class UsersModelForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Users fields 'username' 'password' 'passwordrepeat'.. . Something like the following class UsersModelForm forms.ModelForm passwordrepeat forms.PasswordInput class Meta model Users def..

Display form on template


max_length 50 i have this form class SupplierOrderForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model SupplierOrder In pass a supplier order form..