

python Programming Glossary: fp

Need Help using XPath in ElementTree


I am using... from elementtree import ElementTree as ET fp open output.xml r element ET.parse fp .getroot e element.findall.. ElementTree as ET fp open output.xml r element ET.parse fp .getroot e element.findall 'ItemSearchResponse Items Item ItemAttributes.. XML. To fix problem #1 You need to change element ET.parse fp .getroot to element ET.parse fp To fix problem #2 You can take..

Stream large binary files with urllib2 to file


to stream large files from the Internet into a local file fp open file 'wb' req urllib2.urlopen url for line in req fp.write.. fp open file 'wb' req urllib2.urlopen url for line in req fp.write line fp.close This works but it downloads quite slowly... 'wb' req urllib2.urlopen url for line in req fp.write line fp.close This works but it downloads quite slowly. Is there a faster..

Reading specific lines only (Python)


you don't want to read the whole file in memory at once fp open file for i line in enumerate fp if i 25 # 26th line elif.. in memory at once fp open file for i line in enumerate fp if i 25 # 26th line elif i 29 # 30th line elif i 29 break fp.close.. if i 25 # 26th line elif i 29 # 30th line elif i 29 break fp.close Note that i n 1 for the n th line. share improve this..

What is the python “with” statement designed for? [closed]


examples are opening files using with open filename as fp acquiring locks using with lock where lock is an instance of..

How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail?


if not os.path.isfile att_path # finally write the stuff fp open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close.. att_path # finally write the stuff fp open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close Wowww That was something... open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close Wowww That was something. But try the same in Java just..

Python - HEAD request with urllib2


__init__ self self.redirects def http_error_301 self req fp code msg headers result urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301.. urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301 self req fp code msg headers result.redirect_code code return result http_error_302..

Detecting thresholds in HSV color space (from RGB) using Python / PIL


fixed some overflow errors import numpy Image i Image.open fp .convert 'RGB' a numpy.asarray i int R G B a.T m numpy.min a..

How do I prevent Python's urllib(2) from following a redirect


urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler def http_error_302 self req fp code msg headers print Cookie Manip Right Here return urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302.. return urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302 self req fp code msg headers http_error_301 http_error_303 http_error_307..

Python: Sending Multipart html emails which contain embedded images


This example assumes the image is in the current directory fp open 'test.jpg' 'rb' msgImage MIMEImage fp.read fp.close # Define.. directory fp open 'test.jpg' 'rb' msgImage MIMEImage fp.read fp.close # Define the image's ID as referenced above msgImage.add_header.. fp open 'test.jpg' 'rb' msgImage MIMEImage fp.read fp.close # Define the image's ID as referenced above msgImage.add_header..