

python Programming Glossary: freetds

using pyodbc on ubuntu to insert a image field on SQL Server


python2.6 dev I have configured etc unixodbc.ini like this FreeTDS Description TDS driver Sybase MS SQL Driver usr lib odbc libtdsodbc.so.. UID sa PWD secret DATABASE Common DRIVER FreeTDS con pyodbc.connect odbcstring cur con.cursor cur.execute IF.. WHERE id 1' And everything worked fine. Strange is what FreeTDS documentation says about the text size configuration option..

Python with MS SQL - truncated output


i in cur print i conn.close cnxn pyodbc.connect driver 'FreeTDS' server 'my_remote_host' database 'current' uid 'ro_user' pwd.. they are truncated. ODBC settings etc odbc.ini MKS #Driver FreeTDS Driver usr lib odbc libtdsodbc.so Description Database Trace.. UID ro_user PWD password TDS Version 8.0 etc odbcinst.ini FreeTDS Description FreeTDS Driver usr lib odbc libtdsodbc.so UsageCount..

using pyodbc on linux to insert unicode or utf-8 chars in a nvarchar mssql field


dev 0.82 4 I have configured etc unixodbc.ini like this FreeTDS Description TDS driver Sybase MS SQL Driver usr lib odbc libtdsodbc.so.. UID sa PWD secret DATABASE Common DRIVER FreeTDS con pyodbc.connect s cur con.cursor cur.execute ''' CREATE TABLE.. fails Here's the error I get pyodbc.Error 'HY004' ' HY004 FreeTDS SQL Server Invalid data type 0 SQLBindParameter ' Since my client..

using pyodbc on ubuntu to insert a image field on SQL Server


dev 2.2.11 16build3 tdsodbc 0.82 4 libsybdb5 0.82 4 freetds common and freetds dev 0.82 4 python2.6 dev I have configured.. tdsodbc 0.82 4 libsybdb5 0.82 4 freetds common and freetds dev 0.82 4 python2.6 dev I have configured etc unixodbc.ini.. CPTimeout CPReuse UsageCount 2 I have configured etc freetds freetds.conf like this global tds version 8.0 client charset..

Python with MS SQL - truncated output


FreeTDS Driver usr lib odbc libtdsodbc.so UsageCount 1 etc freetds freetds.conf global tds version 8.0 dump file tmp freetds.log.. Driver usr lib odbc libtdsodbc.so UsageCount 1 etc freetds freetds.conf global tds version 8.0 dump file tmp freetds.log debug.. freetds freetds.conf global tds version 8.0 dump file tmp freetds.log debug flags 0xffff timeout 10 connect timeout 10 text size..

Image segmentation based on edge pixel map


using pyodbc on linux to insert unicode or utf-8 chars in a nvarchar mssql field


dev 2.2.11 16build3 tdsodbc 0.82 4 libsybdb5 0.82 4 freetds common and freetds dev 0.82 4 I have configured etc unixodbc.ini.. tdsodbc 0.82 4 libsybdb5 0.82 4 freetds common and freetds dev 0.82 4 I have configured etc unixodbc.ini like this FreeTDS.. CPTimeout CPReuse UsageCount 2 I have configured etc freetds freetds.conf like this global tds version 8.0 client charset..