

python Programming Glossary: fromfile

Alternatives to keeping large lists in memory (python)


rest of the structure on disk. array.array has very fast fromfile and tofile methods to facilitate the moving of data back and.. return self.a.pop # ensure normal IndexError c try self.a.fromfile self.f MAXINMEM except EOFError pass self.f.seek self.a.itemsize..

What is the equivalent of 'fread' from Matlab in Python?


array a array.array L # L is the typecode for uint32 a.fromfile f 3 This will read read three uint32 values from the file f.. are available in a afterwards. From the documentation of fromfile Read n items as machine values from the file object f and append..

Textually diffing JSON


been submitted as a patch to python def unified_diff a b fromfile '' tofile '' fromfiledate '' tofiledate '' n 3 lineterm ' n'.. patch to python def unified_diff a b fromfile '' tofile '' fromfiledate '' tofiledate '' n 3 lineterm ' n' sequencematcher None.. Any or all of these may be specified using strings for 'fromfile' 'tofile' 'fromfiledate' and 'tofiledate'. The modification..

Improve speed of reading and converting from binary file with python


going with Sebastian's suggestion of using array with fromfile method and will soon put the final code here. Besides every.. who kindly answered. Final Form after going with array.fromfile once and then alternately extending one array for each channel.. slicing the big array fullsamples array 'h' fullsamples.fromfile f os.path.getsize f.filename fullsamples.itemsize f.tell position..

Parse config file, environment, and command-line arguments, to get a single collection of options


because users will only have to learn one syntax. Setting fromfile prefix chars to for example @ makes it so that my_prog foo bar..