

python Programming Glossary: frombuffer

Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


are useless. from os import urandom from numpy import frombuffer bitwise_xor byte def slow_xor aa bb a frombuffer aa dtype byte.. import frombuffer bitwise_xor byte def slow_xor aa bb a frombuffer aa dtype byte b frombuffer bb dtype byte c bitwise_xor a b r.. byte def slow_xor aa bb a frombuffer aa dtype byte b frombuffer bb dtype byte c bitwise_xor a b r c.tostring return r aa urandom..

Image.frombuffer with 16-bit image data


with 16 bit image data If my windows is in 32 bit color depth.. bmpstr saveBitMap.GetBitmapBits True im Image.frombuffer 'RGB' bmpinfo 'bmWidth' bmpinfo 'bmHeight' bmpstr 'raw' 'BGRX'.. c python25 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 1808 in frombuffer return apply fromstring mode size data decoder_name args File..

Getting data from ctypes array into numpy


was only able to get it into numpy via a super awkward np.frombuffer np.core.multiarray.int_asbuffer ctypes.addressof y.contents.. object has no attribute '__array_interface__' Is this np.frombuffer approach the best or only way to do this I am open to other.. ways you can create a NumPy array from buffer by a numpy.frombuffer buffer float I actually do not understand why you use .astype..