

python Programming Glossary: freeze

python pip install psycopg2 install error


or later but libssl.0.9.8.dylib provides version 0.9.8 pip freeze shows psycopg2 2.4.5 just right. I have installed psycopg2 on..

How to compile python script to binary executable


oldlogs.py to exe. python compilation executable cx freeze share improve this question Or use PyInstaller as an alternative..

virtualenv --no-site-packages and pip still finding global packages?


re install a new version of Django. Also if I tell pip to freeze the environment I get a whole lot of packages. I would expect.. with no site packages this would be blank pip E foo freeze 4Suite XML 1.0.2 BeautifulSoup Brlapi 0.5.3 BzrTools..

C++ with Python embedding: crash if Python not installed


link pythonxy.dll statically into your application use the freeze tool this will allow linking the byte code of the standard library..

multiprocessing problem [pyqt, py2exe]


button click signal is something simply like processing.freezeSupport task BackgroundTask input task.start The program works.. main window pops up. You need to add a special call to the freeze_support function to make the multiprocessing module work with.. eg those made with py2exe if __name__ __main__ # add freeze support processing.freeze_support a QApplication sys.argv QObject.connect..

How can i bundle other files when using cx_freeze?


can i bundle other files when using cx_freeze I'm using Python 2.6 and cx_Freeze 4.1.2 on a Windows system... i need a MANIFEST.in file Thank you. python distutils cx freeze share improve this question Figured it out. from cx_Freeze..

TkInter Invoke Event in Main Loop


waiting for a response to a specific event because it will freeze the GUI. I'm not sure if this solves your problem though without..

Distributing Programs Written in Python [duplicate]


only for Mac OS PyInstaller cx_Freeze bbFreeze vendorID freeze A graphical interface for most of these tools I think only for.. of these tools I think only for windows is gui2exe except freeze . Another approach would be to use Portable Python or in case..

Installing PIL to use with Django on Mac OS X


it. If you kept the no site packages flag you can type pip freeze to see that your Python library slate is now blank. To escape..

Python Code Obfuscation [closed]


it wouldn't be as simple as calling Py_EvalCode. py2exe or freeze are other solution which convert the code into an executable...

Why does pip freeze report some packages in a fresh virtualenv created with --no-site-packages?


does pip freeze report some packages in a fresh virtualenv created with no site.. no site packages When I create a fresh virtualenv pip freeze shows that I have a couple of packages installed even though.. anything into the environment. I was expecting pip freeze to return empty output until after my first pip install into..

Getting a python virtual env error after installing Lion


session had everything back the way it was look at pip freeze l to see local packages in this virtual environment . I think...

How to capture output of Python's interpreter and show in a Text widget?


of operations and prints a lot of info. But as I want to freeze it and don't want the prompt screen to appear I want that all..

how enable requests async mode?


are sended by urllib2 library. red is time when work was freeze dark when data receiving... wtf How it posible if socket library..

How do I use raw_input in Python 3.1


I am using Python 3.1 and can't get the raw_input to freeze the dos pop up. The book I'm reading is for 2.5 and I'm using..