

python Programming Glossary: fullname

Get fully qualified class name of an object in python


the following program # usr bin env python import foo def fullname o return o.__module__ . o.__class__.__name__ bar foo.Bar print.. o.__module__ . o.__class__.__name__ bar foo.Bar print fullname bar and Bar defined as class Bar object def __init__ self v..

Python: shutil.rmtree fails on Windows with 'Access is denied'


File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 216 in rmtree rmtree fullname ignore_errors onerror File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 216.. File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 216 in rmtree rmtree fullname ignore_errors onerror File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 216.. File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 216 in rmtree rmtree fullname ignore_errors onerror File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 216..

IronPython: EXE compiled using pyc.py cannot import module “os”


self.directory self.index 0 else # got a filename fullname os.path.join self.directory file if os.path.isdir fullname.. os.path.join self.directory file if os.path.isdir fullname and not os.path.islink fullname and fullname 4 '.svn' self.stack.append.. file if os.path.isdir fullname and not os.path.islink fullname and fullname 4 '.svn' self.stack.append fullname if fnmatch.fnmatch..

Directory Walker for Python


self.directory self.index 0 else # got a filename fullname os.path.join self.directory file if os.path.isdir fullname and.. fullname os.path.join self.directory file if os.path.isdir fullname and not os.path.islink fullname self.stack.append fullname.. file if os.path.isdir fullname and not os.path.islink fullname self.stack.append fullname return fullname for file in DirectoryWalker..