

python Programming Glossary: funcformatter

matplotlib axis label format


switches to scientific notation Or you could use a FuncFormatter which gives you a good deal of control but you can blow your.. x 10 scale_pow ax1.get_xaxis .set_major_formatter ticker.FuncFormatter my_formatter_fun ax1.set_xlabel 'my label ' ' 10^ 0 d '.format.. ax1.set_xlabel 'my label ' ' 10^ 0 d '.format scale_pow FuncFormatter doc takes a 2 argument function that returns a string and uses..

Fits image input to a range in plot - Python


to insert a scaling factor from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter fig ax2 plt.subplots 1 1 im rand 400 400 ax2.imshow im interpolation.. '.format scale_factor x ax2.get_xaxis .set_major_formatter FuncFormatter form_fun ax2.get_yaxis .set_major_formatter FuncFormatter form_fun.. FuncFormatter form_fun ax2.get_yaxis .set_major_formatter FuncFormatter form_fun ax2.get_xaxis .get_major_locator .set_params nbins..

Matplotlib: Formatting dates on the x-axis in a 3D Bar graph


x pos None return dates.num2date x .strftime ' Y m d' #use FuncFormatter to format dates r_d random_date some_dates dates.date2num r_d.next.. dates on my xaxis ax.w_xaxis.set_major_formatter ticker.FuncFormatter format_date for tl in ax.w_xaxis.get_ticklabels # re create..

plot time of day vs date in matplotlib


looking like 3 00pm 11 00am etc. This will be done with a FuncFormatter I guess. For the intervals time ranges I don't want to use the..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


the fontsize zero. You might enjoy finer control using a FuncFormatter where you can use the value or position of the tick to decide..