

python Programming Glossary: function_name

How do I write log messages to a log file and the console at the same time? [closed]


logging def function_logger file_level console_level None function_name inspect.stack 1 3 logger logging.getLogger function_name logger.setLevel.. function_name inspect.stack 1 3 logger logging.getLogger function_name logger.setLevel logging.DEBUG #By default logs all messages.. logger.addHandler ch fh logging.FileHandler 0 .log .format function_name fh.setLevel file_level fh_format logging.Formatter ' asctime..

Komodo - watch variables and execute code while on pause in the program


s s' text line_number filename for i filename line_number function_name text in enumerate stacks res func args kwargs return res return..

Using crontab with django


'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' 'settings' module_name sys.argv 1 function_name ' '.join sys.argv 2 exec 'import s' module_name exec ' s. s'.. 2 exec 'import s' module_name exec ' s. s' module_name function_name And then in cron call 0 0 python path to project run.py newsletter.views..

How to use inspect to get the caller's info from callee in Python?


utf 8 import inspect def hello frame filename line_number function_name lines index inspect.getouterframes inspect.currentframe 1 print.. inspect.currentframe 1 print frame filename line_number function_name lines index hello # frame object at 0x8ba7254 ' home unutbu..