

python Programming Glossary: functiontype

How to wrap every method of a class in python?


might result in something like this from types import FunctionType def wrapper func def wrapped args kwrds ... do something to.. attribute in classDict.items if type attribute FunctionType attribute wrapper attribute # replace with a wrapped version..

how to find list of modules which depend upon a specific module in python


CPqD # License LGPL V3.0 from types import ModuleType FunctionType ClassType import sys def find_dependent_modules gets a one level.. attr ModuleType tree module .add attr elif type attr in FunctionType ClassType tree module .add attr.__module__ return tree def..

How can I make a deepcopy of a function in Python?


copy deep copy share improve this question The FunctionType constructor is used to make a deep copy of a function. import.. import types def copy_func f name None return types.FunctionType f.func_code f.func_globals name or f.func_name f.func_defaults..

How can I add a delay to every method in a Python sub-class when I don't want to replicate every method in the parent class


metaclasses.shtml # usr bin env python from types import FunctionType import time def MetaClassFactory function class MetaClass type.. attribute in classDict.items if type attribute FunctionType attribute function attribute newClassDict attributeName attribute..