

python Programming Glossary: func.__name__

Find functions explicitly defined in a module (python)


inspect.getmodule func mod def list_functions mod return func.__name__ for func in mod.__dict__.itervalues if is_mod_function mod..

Python - Lazy loading of class attributes


self func name None doc None self.__name__ name or func.__name__ self.__module__ func.__module__ self.__doc__ doc or func.__doc__..

Python decorator makes function forget that it belongs to a class


args kwargs print Entering s. s args 0 .__class__.__name__ func.__name__ return func args kwargs return with_logging class C object @logger..

convert code from Python 2.x to 3.x


func.func_code.co_filename func.func_code.co_firstlineno func.__name__ newtok.type lexdata lexpos What should this look like in 3.2.. func.func_code.co_filename func.func_code.co_firstlineno func.__name__ newtok.type lexdata lexpos raise LexError message Because formatting..

PicklingError when using multiprocessing


His code is def _pickle_method method func_name method.im_func.__name__ obj method.im_self cls method.im_class return _unpickle_method.. if isinstance func types.MethodType arguments.insert 0 func.__name__ func target result pool.map_async func arguments chunksize chunksize..

Celery periodic_task running multiple times in parallel


def wrapper args kwargs lock_id celery single instance func.__name__ acquire_lock lambda cache.add lock_id true timeout release_lock..

Python: changing methods and attributes at runtime


@classmethod def addMethod cls func return setattr cls func.__name__ types.MethodType func cls def hello self n print n instance..