

python Programming Glossary: func.__doc__

Setting the docstring to an expression inside def


Append to a function's docstring. def _decorator func if func.__doc__ None func.__doc__ docstr else func.__doc__ sep.join func.__doc__.. docstring. def _decorator func if func.__doc__ None func.__doc__ docstr else func.__doc__ sep.join func.__doc__ docstr return.. func if func.__doc__ None func.__doc__ docstr else func.__doc__ sep.join func.__doc__ docstr return func return _decorator It..

Python 3 and static typing


eval v for k v in func.__annotations__.items newf.__doc__ func.__doc__ newf.__type_checked True return newf def decorate_module module..

Python - Lazy loading of class attributes


self.__module__ func.__module__ self.__doc__ doc or func.__doc__ self.func func def __get__ self obj type None if obj is None..

Inherit docstrings in Python class inheritance


None raise NameError Can't find ' s' in parents self.name func.__doc__ source.__doc__ return func doc_inherit DocInherit share improve..

Inheriting methods' docstrings in Python


def fix_docs cls for name func in vars cls .items if not func.__doc__ print func 'needs doc' for parent in cls.__bases__ parfunc.. name if parfunc and getattr parfunc '__doc__' None func.__doc__ parfunc.__doc__ break return cls class Animal def walk self.. and getattr parfunc '__doc__' None func.__doc__ parfunc.__doc__ break return cls class Animal def walk self 'Walk like a duck'..

How to handle both integer and string from raw_input?


opt header Draw a Shape menu ' n'.join ' '.format k func.__doc__ for k func in opt.items print header menu We'll need OrderedDict..