

python Programming Glossary: func2

How to pickle a python function with its dependencies?


file open ' tmp f2.txt' 'r' code marshal.loads file.read func2 types.FunctionType code globals some_func_name func2 'blah'.. func2 types.FunctionType code globals some_func_name func2 'blah' This results in a NameError global name 'g' is not defined.. it to the global name g . I see you are assigning f to func2 rather than to f . If you are doing something like that with..

Importing modules: __main__ vs import as module


mod2 var1A None def func1A global var1 var1 'A' mod2.func2 def func1B global var1 print var1 if __name__ '__main__' func1A.. func1A Next I have mod2.py # mod2.py import mod1 def func2 mod1.func1B Finally I have driver.py # driver.py import mod1..

Get full traceback


traceback in the following case including the calls of func2 and func functions import traceback def func try raise Exception.. try raise Exception 'Dummy' except traceback.print_exc def func2 func func2 When i run this i get Traceback most recent call.. 'Dummy' except traceback.print_exc def func2 func func2 When i run this i get Traceback most recent call last File test.py..

Why does Python's __import__ require fromlist?


pkg.mod from pkg import mod mod2 from pkg.mod import func func2 from pkg.mod import submod In the first and the second case..

How can I programmatically change the argspec of a function in a python decorator?


pass bare_argspec inspect.getargspec func @decorator def func2 f1 kw 'default' pass decorated_argspec inspect.getargspec func2.. f1 kw 'default' pass decorated_argspec inspect.getargspec func2 How can I create a decorator such that bare_argspec decorated_argspec.. args kw result func args kw return result @mydecorator def func2 f1 kw 'default' pass decorated_argspec inspect.getargspec func2..

Call a function with argument list in python


def wrapper func args func args def func1 x print x def func2 x y z return x y z wrapper func1 x wrapper func2 x y z In this.. x def func2 x y z return x y z wrapper func1 x wrapper func2 x y z In this case first call will work and second won't. What.. args def wrapper2 func args # without star func args def func2 x y z print x y z wrapper1 func2 1 2 3 wrapper2 func2 1 2 3..