

python Programming Glossary: funcname

Calling a function from string inside the same module in Python?


def bar print 'Hello called bar ' if __name__ '__main__' funcname 'bar' # Here I should be able to call bar from funcname I know.. funcname 'bar' # Here I should be able to call bar from funcname I know that there exists some built in function in python called..

How to get Python exception text


tb_frame .attr f_code .attr co_filename string funcname extract string traceback.attr tb_frame .attr f_code .attr co_name..

What does “mro()” do in Python?


# this if t in self.__dispatch return self.__dispatch t funcname res args kw I don't understand mro. I search by google and saw..

Is it possible to override Sphinx autodoc for specific functions?


to override the documentation to show the slightly nicer funcname arg1 arg2 ... style that the Python stdlib docs use. Is it possible.. .. automodule yourmodule members exclude members funcname .. autofunction funcname arg1 arg2 ... However the function.. members exclude members funcname .. autofunction funcname arg1 arg2 ... However the function with the overridden signature..