

python Programming Glossary: ftplib.ftp

Make your program USE a gui


Using Python's ftplib to get a directory listing, portably


listing is # File ftplib example 1.py import ftplib ftp ftplib.FTP www.python.org ftp.login anonymous ftplib example 1 data ftp.dir..

Downloading text files with Python and ftplib.FTP from z/os


text files with Python and ftplib.FTP from z os I'm trying to automate downloading of some text files.. import ftplib import os from sys import exc_info sess ftplib.FTP undisclosed.server.com userid password sess.sendcmd site sbd..

Python Script Uploading files via FTP


ftplib you can write it like this import ftplib session ftplib.FTP 'server.address.com' 'USERNAME' 'PASSWORD' file open 'kitten.jpg'.. file file.close # close file and FTP session.quit Use ftplib.FTP_TLS instead if you FTP host requires TLS. To retrieve it you..

Traversing FTP listing


or None if it corresponds to a file. @param ftp ftplib.FTP object if depth 10 return 'depth 10' level for entry in path.. level entry None return level def main ftp ftplib.FTP localhost ftp.connect ftp.login ftp.set_pasv True print traverse..

How to delete files with a Python script from a FTP server which are older than 7 days?


ftplib time quite_old time.time 7 86400 # seven days site ftplib.FTP hostname username password site.cwd the_directory_to_work_on..

Why is a success message considered an error in ftplib


'' user 'bob' password 'likes_sandwiches' box ftplib.FTP server box.login user password s box.mkd ' a this4 ' box.close..

SFTP in Python? (platform independent)


verbose print 'Uploading' file local open file 'rb' remote ftplib.FTP site remote.login user remote.cwd dir remote.storbinary 'STOR..

Download big files via FTP with python
