

python Programming Glossary: fromaddr

Failing to send email with the Python example


question The following code works for me import smtplib FROMADDR my.real.address@gmail.com LOGIN FROMADDR PASSWORD my.real.password.. me import smtplib FROMADDR my.real.address@gmail.com LOGIN FROMADDR PASSWORD my.real.password TOADDRS my.real.address@gmail.com.. SUBJECT Test msg From s r nTo s r nSubject s r n r n FROMADDR .join TOADDRS SUBJECT msg some text r n server smtplib.SMTP..

Issue with sending mails from a distribution mail id [Python]


from email.mime.text import MIMEText import os FROMADDR myaddr@server.com GROUP_ADDR 'group@server.com' PASSWORD 'foo'.. 'alternative' msg 'Subject' 'Test' msg 'From' FROMADDR msg 'To' ' '.join TOADDR msg 'Cc' ' '.join CCADDR # Create the.. 587 s.set_debuglevel 1 s.ehlo s.starttls s.login FROMADDR PASSWORD s.sendmail FROMADDR TOADDR msg.as_string s.quit This..

Trying to send email (Gmail as mail provider) using Python


server. The Python script is the following. import smtplib fromaddr 'user_me@gmail.com' toaddrs 'user_you@gmail.com' msg 'Why Oh.. server.login username password server.sendmail fromaddr toaddrs msg server.quit python email smtp gmail share improve..

Send email with python


How to send an e-mail from a Python script that is being run on “Google App Engine”?


Here is the same script as a quote import sys smtplib fromaddr raw_input From toaddr string.splitfields raw_input To ' ' print.. mail send server smtplib.SMTP 'localhost' server.sendmail fromaddr toaddrs msg server.quit but I hardly understand how I could.. mail address I need to place right after From in this line fromaddr raw_input From Can I just place here any e mail address of any..

Failing to send email with the Python example


mailuser 'MYEMAIL@gmail.com' mailpasswd 'MYPASSWORD' fromaddr 'MYEMAIL@gmail.com' toaddrs 'MYEMAIL2@gmail.com' msg 'Hooooorah.. mailpasswd server.set_debuglevel 1 server.sendmail fromaddr toaddrs msg server.quit and then I get this error message Traceback..