

python Programming Glossary: frame.__init__

How do you create a Button on a tkinter Canvas?


X FLAT LEFT class Example Frame def __init__ self parent Frame.__init__ self parent self.parent parent self.initUI def initUI self self.parent.title..

How to update image in tkinter label?


tkFileDialog class DIP Frame def __init__ self parent Frame.__init__ self parent self.parent parent self.initUI def initUI self.. class DIP tk.Frame def __init__ self parent tk.Frame.__init__ self parent self.parent parent self.initUI def initUI self..

Cosinus drawing


as mp class program Frame def __init__ self main Frame.__init__ self main self.main main self.initUI def initUI self self.main.title..

How can I speed up an animation?


updates it with data from DataCollect def __init__ self Frame.__init__ self None 1 Test embedded wxFigure #Varying the size of Figure..

Python Tkinter application doesn't quit properly


from TKinter import class Ui Frame def __init__ self Frame.__init__ self None self.grid bquit Button self text Quit command self.quit_pressed..

tkinter: inherit from Frame or not


Application Frame def __init__ self title master None Frame.__init__ self master self.grid self.master.title title self.label Label..

filedialog, tkinter and opening files


import showerror class MyFrame Frame def __init__ self Frame.__init__ self self.master.title Example self.master.rowconfigure 5 weight..