

python Programming Glossary: frame.f_globals

Showing the stack trace from a running Python application


d '_frame' frame # Allow access to frame object. d.update frame.f_globals # Unless shadowed by global d.update frame.f_locals i code.InteractiveConsole..

Starting python debugger automatically on error


if tb.tb_next else tb frame last_frame .tb_frame ns dict frame.f_globals ns.update frame.f_locals code.interact local ns share improve..

How to use traceit to report function input variables in stack trace


event arg if event line lineno frame.f_lineno filename frame.f_globals __file__ if filename stdin filename traceit.py if filename.endswith.. .pyc or filename.endswith .pyo filename filename 1 name frame.f_globals __name__ line linecache.getline filename lineno print s s s.. event arg if event line lineno frame.f_lineno filename frame.f_globals __file__ if filename stdin filename traceit.py if filename.endswith..

Printing Variable names and contents as debugging tool; looking for emacs/Python shortcut


inspect.currentframe 1 frame record 0 val eval name frame.f_globals frame.f_locals print ' 0 1 '.format name val Then in your script.py..

Python code to get current function into a variable?


frame inspect.currentframe 1 code frame.f_code globs frame.f_globals functype type lambda 0 funcs for func in gc.get_referrers code..