

python Programming Glossary: fp.close

Example of how to use PyLZMA


fp n len archive.getnames is7z True finally if fp fp.close return is7z def __init__ self filepath fp open filepath 'rb'..

Python raw_input() replacement that uses a configurable text editor


text True fp os.fdopen fdes 'w ' fdes 1 fp.write data fp.close fp None editor os.environ.get 'VISUAL' or os.environ.get 'EDITOR'.. fp open path 'r' return fp.read finally if fp is not None fp.close elif fdes 0 os.close fdes if path is not None try os.unlink..

Python: skip comment lines marked with # in csv.DictReader


Stream large binary files with urllib2 to file


'wb' req urllib2.urlopen url for line in req fp.write line fp.close This works but it downloads quite slowly. Is there a faster..

Reading utf-8 characters from a gzip file in python


# contents now has the uncompressed bytes of foo.gz fp.close u_str contents.decode 'utf 8' # u_str is now a unicode string..

Reading specific lines only (Python)


if i 25 # 26th line elif i 29 # 30th line elif i 29 break fp.close Note that i n 1 for the n th line. share improve this answer..

How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail?


open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close Wowww That was something. But try the same in Java just for..

Python URL download


symbols fp urllib.urlopen url try data fp.read finally fp.close def main data_fp fetch_quote symbols # print data_fp if __name__.. symbols fp urllib.urlopen url try data fp.read finally fp.close return data # Return In the absence of an explicit return statement..

Python - Help using pdfminer as a library


laparams fp file path 'rb' process_pdf rsrcmgr device fp fp.close device.close str retstr.getvalue retstr.close return str share..

Sending Email With Python


'rb' # Create a text plain message msg MIMEText fp.read fp.close # me the sender's email address # you the recipient's email.. image type. fp open file 'rb' img MIMEImage fp.read fp.close msg.attach img # Send the email via our own SMTP server. s smtplib.SMTP..

Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?


spatial tests data iris.txt' fp open fName X np.loadtxt fp fp.close ##### cluster data into K 1..10 clusters ##### K range 1 10..

Downloading MMS emails sent to Gmail using Python


open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close python imaplib share improve this question The failing..

Python: Sending Multipart html emails which contain embedded images


fp open 'test.jpg' 'rb' msgImage MIMEImage fp.read fp.close # Define the image's ID as referenced above msgImage.add_header..