

python Programming Glossary: frame.f_code.co_name

Decorator to log function execution line by line


local_frame event arg if frame is local_frame print frame.f_code.co_name event arg print frame.f_code.co_name event arg return local_tracer.. is local_frame print frame.f_code.co_name event arg print frame.f_code.co_name event arg return local_tracer def loggingdecorator func def.. #print event lines frame.f_lineno firstline #print frame.f_code.co_name frame.f_lineno event arg if frame.f_code in LOG_THESE_FUNCTIONS..

Python: How to retrieve class information from a 'frame' object?


know how to get the file frame.f_code.co_filename function frame.f_code.co_name and line number frame.f_lineno but would like to be able to..

How to use traceit to report function input variables in stack trace


filename lineno print s s s s name lineno frame.f_code.co_name line.rstrip return traceit def main print In main for i in range.. frame.f_back is self.lastframe print s s s s name lineno frame.f_code.co_name line.rstrip else print s s s s name lineno frame.f_code.co_name.. line.rstrip else print s s s s name lineno frame.f_code.co_name str.join ' ' s r item for item in frame.f_locals.iteritems ..

How would you write a @debuggable decorator in python?


arg if event 'call' print calling r on line d vars r frame.f_code.co_name frame.f_lineno frame.f_locals return trace_debug elif event..

pydev breakpoints not working


import sys def trace_func frame event arg print 'Context ' frame.f_code.co_name ' tFile ' frame.f_code.co_filename ' tLine ' frame.f_lineno..