

python Programming Glossary: fourfn.py

Safe way to parse user-supplied mathematical formula in Python


object ''' Most of this code comes from the fourFn.py pyparsing example http pyparsing.wikispaces.com file view fourFn.py.. pyparsing example http pyparsing.wikispaces.com file view fourFn.py http pyparsing.wikispaces.com message view home 15549426 __author__.. 'Paul McGuire' All I've done is rewrap Paul McGuire's fourFn.py as a class so I can use it more easily in other places. '''..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


be used to parse mathematical expressions. In particular fourFn.py shows how to parse basic arithmetic expressions. Below I've.. 20 ' __source__ '''http pyparsing.wikispaces.com file view fourFn.py http pyparsing.wikispaces.com message view home 15549426 '''.. ''' __note__ ''' All I've done is rewrap Paul McGuire's fourFn.py as a class so I can use it more easily in other places. '''..

Safe expression parser in Python


expression parsers http pyparsing.wikispaces.com file view fourFn.py A conventional arithmetic infix notation parser evaluator implementation.. file view eval_arith.py A pair of examples recasting fourFn.py using operatorPrecedence . The first just parses and returns..