

python Programming Glossary: frames

How can I quantify difference between two images?


techniques As the question is about a video sequence where frames are likely to be almost the same and you look for something.. or grass . The idea of optical flow is to take two or more frames and assign velocity vector to every pixel dense optical flow..

How get sound input from microphone in python, and process it on the fly?


# The period size controls the internal number of frames per period. # The significance of this parameter is documented.. to know that reads from the device # will return this many frames. Each frame being 2 bytes long. # This means that the reads..

How do I check if a string is a number in Python?


exception is caught without an extensive search of stack frames. The issue is that any numeric conversion function has two kinds..

How can I improve my paw detection?


split these two because it would have to determine which frames of that area belong to which paw while currently I would only.. I would only have to look at the maximal values over all frames. Examples of where it starts going wrong So now I'm looking.. to know for each paw what its location is during which frames and couple this to which paw it is front hind left right . So..

Speed comparison with Project Euler: C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell


recursion elimination and hence avoid adding unnecessary frames onto the call stack I really tried to implement the same algorithm.. permit LCO and hence avoid adding unnecessary frames onto the call stack Yes that wasn't the issue. Good work and..

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?


either a video AVI MPG etc or an animated GIF from these frames Edit I've already tried PIL and it doesn't seem to work. Can.. update courtesy of @geographika . Then to reverse the frames in a gif for instance # usr bin env python from PIL import Image.. Image.open filename original_duration im.info 'duration' frames frame.copy for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator im frames.reverse..

Java raw audio output


Integer sampleRate.getSelectedItem .intValue int intFPW framesPerWavelength.getValue float sampleRate float intSR oddly the.. BeeperPanel extends JPanel JComboBox sampleRate JSlider framesPerWavelength JLabel frequency JCheckBox harmonic Clip clip DecimalFormat.. ActionEvent ae setUpSound options.add pSampleRate framesPerWavelength new JSlider JSlider.HORIZONTAL 10 200 25 framesPerWavelength.setPaintTicks..

Accessing mp3 Meta-Data with Python


# The default. Or you can iterate over the raw frames tag eyeD3.Tag tag.link some file.mp3 for frame in tag.frames.. tag eyeD3.Tag tag.link some file.mp3 for frame in tag.frames print frame Once a tag is linked to a file it can be modified..

PIL - Convert GIF Frames to JPG


Convert GIF Frames to JPG I tried to convert an gif to single images with Python..

Pygame- window and sprite class - python


pygame.display.update # FPS clock.tick 25 # 25 Frames Per Seconds # finish pygame.quit # Window 800 600 .run ball1.png..

Parse XML file into Python object


Size Frame no Frame Quality good Quality Freq. 44100 Freq. Frames 6255 Frames ..... and so forth ...... file file .... file encspot.. Frame Quality good Quality Freq. 44100 Freq. Frames 6255 Frames ..... and so forth ...... file file .... file encspot I want..

How to convert a string list into an integer in python


in python In my python Script I have user nuke.getInput Frames Turned On userLst user print userLst Result '12 33 223' I was..

Java raw audio output


try int fPW Integer.parseInt fpw JSlider slider bp.getFramesPerWavelengthSlider slider.setValue fPW catch NumberFormatException.. 5 framesPerWavelength.setToolTipText Frames per Wavelength framesPerWavelength.addChangeListener new ChangeListener.. JPanel new BorderLayout pFPW.setBorder new TitledBorder Frames per Wavelength pFPW.add framesPerWavelength options.add pFPW..