

python Programming Glossary: frame.f_locals

Showing the stack trace from a running Python application


frame.f_globals # Unless shadowed by global d.update frame.f_locals i code.InteractiveConsole d message Signal recieved entering..

Can Python determine the class of a object accessing a method


self klass frame inspect.currentframe current lambda frame.f_locals.get 'self' while not current is None if isinstance current klass.. caller_calls_self frame.f_code.co_varnames 0 thecaller frame.f_locals caller_calls_self print Called from a thecaller.__class__.__name__..

What cool hacks can be done using sys.settrace?


like import sys def trace_func frame event arg value frame.f_locals a if value 2 0 value 1 frame.f_locals a value def f a print.. event arg value frame.f_locals a if value 2 0 value 1 frame.f_locals a value def f a print a if __name__ __main__ sys.settrace trace_func..

Python: How to retrieve class information from a 'frame' object?


If you don't want to use getargvalues you can use directly frame.f_locals instead of value_dict and frame.f_code.co_varnames frame.f_code.co_argcount..

Starting python debugger automatically on error


How to use traceit to report function input variables in stack trace


trace stack trace share improve this question frame.f_locals will give you the values of the local variables and I guess.. you've seen and if frame.f_back is not the lastframe dump frame.f_locals. I'd predict though that you're pretty quickly going be snowed.. frame.f_code.co_name str.join ' ' s r item for item in frame.f_locals.iteritems print s s s s name lineno frame.f_code.co_name line.rstrip..

Printing Variable names and contents as debugging tool; looking for emacs/Python shortcut


1 frame record 0 val eval name frame.f_globals frame.f_locals print ' 0 1 '.format name val Then in your script.py from utils_debug..

How would you write a @debuggable decorator in python?


r on line d vars r frame.f_code.co_name frame.f_lineno frame.f_locals return trace_debug elif event return print returning arg def..