

python Programming Glossary: frame_size

How do I track motion using OpenCV in Python?


first frame to get size frame cv.QueryFrame self.capture frame_size cv.GetSize frame color_image cv.CreateImage cv.GetSize frame..

Python OpenCV: Detecting a general direction of movement?


first frame to get size frame cv.QueryFrame self.capture frame_size cv.GetSize frame grey_image cv.CreateImage cv.GetSize frame..

Unable to create a basic video file using OpenCV


img2.jpg if not im2 print Could not load im2 fps 4.0 frame_size cvGetSize im1 #writer cvCreateVideoWriter out.avi CV_FOURCC.. cvCreateVideoWriter out.avi CV_FOURCC 'M' 'J' 'P' 'G' fps frame_size True writer cvCreateVideoWriter out.avi CV_FOURCC 'F' 'L' 'V'.. cvCreateVideoWriter out.avi CV_FOURCC 'F' 'L' 'V' '1' fps frame_size True if not writer print Error in creating video writer sys.exit..

Opencv error on python


filename file fourcc cv.CV_FOURCC 'F' 'M' 'P' '4' fps iFps frame_size 800 600 is_color 1 cv.WriteFrame writer cv.LoadImage frames.. filename file fourcc cv.CV_FOURCC 'F' 'M' 'P' '4' fps iFps frame_size 800 600 is_color 1 cv.WriteFrame writer cv.LoadImage frames.. filename file fourcc cv.CV_FOURCC 'F' 'M' 'P' '4' fps iFps frame_size 800 600 is_color 1 cv.WriteFrame writer cv.LoadImage frames..