

python Programming Glossary: fr

Embedding a matplotlib figure inside a WxPython panel


is a minimal example for a Panel with a matplotlib canvas from numpy import arange sin pi import matplotlib matplotlib.use.. arange sin pi import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'WXAgg' from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg.. import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx..

How to get the signed content from a PKCS7 envelop with M2Crypto?


to get the signed content from a PKCS7 envelop with M2Crypto I need to get the digest of.. to validate the signature of a pkcs#7 envelop you do that from M2Crypto import SMIME X509 BIO sm_obj SMIME.SMIME x509 X509.load_cert.. if # ne 1 then echo USAGE 0 sig.pkcs7.pem exit 1 fi rm fr tmp pkcs7tosignature mkdir tmp pkcs7tosignature cp 1 tmp pkcs7tosignature..

How do you implement multilingual support for pyqt4


Below is a simple demo script run with h for usage from PyQt4 import QtCore QtGui class Window QtGui.QWidget def __init__.. h display this help and exit l LOC specify locale e.g. fr de es etc os.path.basename __file__ sys.exit 2 app QtGui.QApplication..

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request


translate you must shortcut the langage you define French fr English en Spanish es etc... if you don't define anything it.. request .read File Library Frameworks Python.framework Versions 2.6 lib python2.6 urllib2.py line 126 in urlopen.. url data timeout File Library Frameworks Python.framework Versions 2.6 lib python2.6 urllib2.py line 397 in open..

Python: How to retrieve class information from a 'frame' object?


How to retrieve class information from a 'frame' object Is it possible to retrieve any class information.. How to retrieve class information from a 'frame' object Is it possible to retrieve any class information.. object Is it possible to retrieve any class information from a frame object I know how to get the file frame.f_code.co_filename..

Python - can I detect unicode string language code?


of text and I need to detect the language code en de fr sp etc . Is there a simple way to do this in python thanks... python # coding utf 8 import json import urllib urllib2 from operator import itemgetter def detect_language_v2 chunks api_key..