

python Programming Glossary: fp.write

Threadsafe and fault-tolerant file writes


'whatever' str time.time with open tmpname 'wb' as fp fp.write stuff fp.write more stuff if os.path.exists filename os.unlink.. str time.time with open tmpname 'wb' as fp fp.write stuff fp.write more stuff if os.path.exists filename os.unlink filename os.rename..

Python raw_input() replacement that uses a configurable text editor


suffix '.txt' text True fp os.fdopen fdes 'w ' fdes 1 fp.write data fp.close fp None editor os.environ.get 'VISUAL' or os.environ.get..

Stream large binary files with urllib2 to file


fp open file 'wb' req urllib2.urlopen url for line in req fp.write line fp.close This works but it downloads quite slowly. Is there.. as fp while True chunk req.read CHUNK if not chunk break fp.write chunk experiment a bit with various CHUNK sizes to find the..

TypeError: execv() arg 2 must contain only strings


subprocess.check_output ssh_command gerrit print result fp.write result if __name__ '__main__' main ERROR 545804 Traceback most..

Python: Unicode and ElementTree.parse


io.open 'test.xml' mode 'w' encoding 'utf 8' as fp ... fp.write source.decode 'utf 8' ... 150L with io.open 'test.xml' mode..

How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail?


att_path # finally write the stuff fp open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close Wowww That was something...

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?


out.txt w startTime_s time.time for x in range lineCount fp.write line os.fsync fp.fileno t time.time startTime_s summary 30s.. w startTime_s time.time for x in range lineCount fp.write line t time.time startTime_s summary 30s 6.3f s n cmd t print.. 1 # line buffered like stdout ... for x in range lineCount fp.write line os.fsync fp.fileno # wait for the write to actually complete..

Creating an ARFF file from python output


m.group 1 '.arff' with open output_filename w as fp fp.write '''@RELATION wordcounts @ATTRIBUTE word string @ATTRIBUTE count.. ''' for word_and_count in d original_filename .items fp.write s d n word_and_count Generates output of the form @RELATION..

Downloading MMS emails sent to Gmail using Python


att_path # finally write the stuff fp open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close python imaplib share..

Convert UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 with no BOM in Python


s.decode 'utf 8 sig' s u.encode 'utf 8' print fp.encoding fp.write s This gives me the following error IOError Errno 9 Bad file.. i 0 chunk chunk BOMLEN while chunk fp.seek i fp.write chunk i len chunk fp.seek BOMLEN os.SEEK_CUR chunk fp.read BUFSIZE..