

python Programming Glossary: frate

how to extract frequency associated with fft values in python


wavefiles.html freq 440.0 data_size 40000 fname test.wav frate 11025.0 amp 64000.0 nchannels 1 sampwidth 2 framerate int frate.. 11025.0 amp 64000.0 nchannels 1 sampwidth 2 framerate int frate nframes data_size comptype NONE compname not compressed data.. compname not compressed data math.sin 2 math.pi freq x frate for x in range data_size wav_file wave.open fname 'w' wav_file.setparams..

How can I generate a note or chord in python?


synthComplex freq 440 coef 1 datasize 10000 fname test.wav frate 44100.00 amp 8000.0 sine_list for x in range datasize samp 0.. len freq samp samp coef k math.sin 2 math.pi freq k x frate sine_list.append samp wav_file wave.open fname w nchannels 1.. wave.open fname w nchannels 1 sampwidth 2 framerate int frate nframes datasize comptype NONE compname not compressed wav_file.setparams..