

python Programming Glossary: forloop

Python-Django: ifchanged template tag


need fo find each employee ID has how many records through forloop.counter individually Here my problems are... If my loop coming.. If my loop coming to ifchanged eachSc.laEmpNum then my forloop.counter should start with 0 zero again. result 5.5 4.5 1.3 which.. 1 Tot result td endifchanged tr td bgcolor #FFFACD width 1 forloop.counter td td bgcolor #CCFACD width 1 eachSc.sName td td bgcolor..

Returning the product of a list


x y x y list def without_lambda list reduce mul list def forloop list r 1 for x in list r x return r import timeit a range 50.. a print without lambda t.timeit t timeit.Timer forloop a from __main__ import forloop a print for loop t.timeit t timeit.Timer.. t.timeit t timeit.Timer forloop a from __main__ import forloop a print for loop t.timeit t timeit.Timer with_lambda b from..