

python Programming Glossary: fork

Python: Possible to share in-memory data between 2 separate processes


those objects either. That's obtained with a call to os.fork that in practice snapshots all of the memory space of the current.. memory that are not altered by either process after the fork are not really copied access to the same pages is instead shared..

Can I use Python as a bash replacement?


separate Linux command in the shell with a few exceptions forks a subprocess. By using Python shutil and os modules you don't.. By using Python shutil and os modules you don't fork a subprocess. The shell environment features. This includes..

What's the best solution for OpenID with Django?


and Twitter authentication too django openid consumer a fork of Simon Willison's original django openid. Seems more suited..

How Python web frameworks, WSGI and CGI fit together


browser. CGI is primitive and annoying. Mostly because it forks a subprocess for every request. WSGI is an interface that is.. pattern. It is not necessarily CGI it does not have to fork a subprocess for each request. It can be CGI but it doesn't.. or cherrypy on my basic CGI configuration Recall that forking a subprocess is expensive. There are two ways to work around..

What's the best way to duplicate fork() in windows?


the best way to duplicate fork in windows How do I implement some logic that will allow me.. on Windows the functionality that I have on Linux with the fork system call using Python I'm specifically trying to execute.. without blocking or waiting. python windows processes fork subprocess share improve this question Use the python multiprocessing..

Image library for Python 3


works with Python 3. Update 3 Pillow 2.x a PIL fork officially supports Python 3.2 and 3.3. It is based on the previously..

How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True


passed in the argument preexec_fn so # it's run after the fork and before exec to run the shell. pro subprocess.Popen cmd stdout..

Is shared readonly data copied to different processes for Python multiprocessing?


9. 9. 9. 9. However Linux has copy on write semantics on fork so even without using multiprocessing.Array the data will not..

Differences between distribute, distutils, setuptools and distutils2?


documentation is sketchy as best as they all seem to be a fork of one another intended to be compatible in most circumstances.. is frowned upon by Python core developers. Distribute is a fork of Setuptools that was started by developers feeling that its.. Distutils2 is a new distutils library started as a fork of the distutils codebase with good ideas taken from setup tools..

What is the reason for performing a double fork when creating a daemon?


is the reason for performing a double fork when creating a daemon I'm trying to create a daemon in python... am currently following but I'm curious as to why a double fork is necessary. I've scratched around google and found plenty.. terminal. How would it do this without the second fork What are the repercussions python unix share improve this..

how to pip uninstall with virtualenv on heroku cedar stack?


won't work because there is a bug. You'll need to use my fork of the buildpack until this get fixed upstream pull request..