

python Programming Glossary: form.is_valid

get request data in Django form


form UserForm user request.user data request.POST if form.is_valid # Do something with the data pass else form UserForm user request.user..

Proper way to handle multiple forms on one page in Django


if request.method 'POST' form AuthorForm request.POST if form.is_valid form.save # do something. else form AuthorForm If I want to.. request.POST prefix 'banned' if bannedphraseform.is_valid bannedphraseform.save expectedphraseform ExpectedPhraseForm.. request.POST prefix 'expected' if expectedphraseform.is_valid expectedphraseform.save bannedphraseform BannedPhraseForm prefix..

Django edit form based on add form?


add req if req.method 'POST' form ArticleForm req.POST if form.is_valid article form.save commit False article.author req.user # more.. form ArticleForm request.POST instance article if form.is_valid form.save # If the save was successful redirect to another..

Django send_mail application - hook it up with Yeoman frontend


if request.method 'POST' form ContactForm request.POST if form.is_valid success True name form.cleaned_data 'name' email form.cleaned_data..

Django Multiple Choice Field / Checkbox Select Multiple


form_class request.POST instance profile if profile_form.is_valid ... profile.save return render_to_response template_name profile_form.. if request.method 'POST' form ProfileForm request.POST if form.is_valid profile form.save commit False profile.user request.user profile.save..

How do I filter ForeignKey choices in a Django ModelForm?


company_id if request.POST form ClientForm request.POST if form.is_valid form.save return HttpResponseRedirect the_company.get_clients_url..

csrf error in django


'POST' form UserCreationForm request.POST if form.is_valid new_user form.save return HttpResponseRedirect books else form.. 'POST' form UserCreationForm request.POST if form.is_valid new_user form.save return HttpResponseRedirect books else form..

Simple Django form / model save question


if request.method 'POST' form BookingForm request.POST if form.is_valid form.save else form form return render_to_response 'bookingform.html'..

Django file upload failing occasionally


request.FILES print 'after reloading the form' if form.is_valid try handle_uploaded_file request.FILES 'file' request.REQUEST..

Django - CSRF verification failed


request.POST # A form bound to the POST data if form.is_valid # All validation rules pass subject form.cleaned_data 'subject'..

form.is_valid() always returning false


always returning false Form.is_valid is always returning false.. request.method 'POST' form TransactionForm request.POST if form.is_valid variables RequestContext request 'account' form.clean_account..

dynamically add field to a form


request.POST extra request.POST.get 'extra_field_count' if form.is_valid print valid else form MyForm return render request template..

Improving Python/django view code


request.POST request.FILES instance profile if form.is_valid if UserProfile.objects.get user user .avatar 'default_profile_picture.jpg'..

Get Primary Key after Saving a ModelForm in Django


if request.method 'POST' form ContactForm request.POST if form.is_valid form.save return HttpResponseRedirect reverse contact_details.. if request.method 'POST' form ContactForm request.POST if form.is_valid new_contact form.save return HttpResponseRedirect reverse contact_details..

PIL encoder jpeg not available [duplicate]


'POST' form ProfilePicForm request.POST request.FILES if form.is_valid do stuff else logger.debug 'Form errors s ' form.errors I have..

How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in models.py?


the password checks within your view and replace with form.is_valid . Something like the following class UsersModelForm forms.ModelForm..

ValueError: Too many values to unpack Django


dist packages django contrib auth views.py in login 35. if form.is_valid File usr local lib python2.7 dist packages django forms forms.py..