

python Programming Glossary: forms.charfield

How to create a UserProfile form in Django with first_name, last_name modifications?


did class UserProfileForm forms.ModelForm first_name forms.CharField label _ u'Prénom' max_length 30 last_name forms.CharField label.. forms.CharField label _ u'Prénom' max_length 30 last_name forms.CharField label _ u'Nom' max_length 30 def __init__ self args kw super..

Problem in adding custom fields to django-registration


RegistrationFormUniqueEmail first_name forms.CharField label _ 'First name' max_length 30 required True last_name forms.CharField.. label _ 'First name' max_length 30 required True last_name forms.CharField label _ 'Last name' max_length 30 required True def save self..

How does Django Know the Order to Render Form Fields?


a Django form such as class ContactForm forms.Form subject forms.CharField max_length 100 message forms.CharField sender forms.EmailField.. forms.Form subject forms.CharField max_length 100 message forms.CharField sender forms.EmailField And I call the as_table method of an..

Dynamically creating classes - Python


have a list of chosen attributes ....in this case name forms.CharField comment forms.CharField widget forms.Textarea Any useful tips.. attributes ....in this case name forms.CharField comment forms.CharField widget forms.Textarea Any useful tips python django class forms.. along like CommentForm type CommentForm Form 'name' forms.CharField ... It works with new style classes. I am not sure whether this..

Define css class in django Forms


Assume I have a form class SampleClass forms.Form name forms.CharField max_length 30 age forms.IntegerField django_hacker forms.BooleanField..

dynamically add field to a form


'keyword arg' Views class MyForm forms.Form original_field forms.CharField extra_field_count forms.CharField widget forms.HiddenInput def.. original_field forms.CharField extra_field_count forms.CharField widget forms.HiddenInput def __init__ self args kwargs extra_fields.. self.fields 'extra_field_ index '.format index index forms.CharField def myview request if request.method 'POST' form MyForm request.POST..

Django forms, inheritance and order of form fields


how I define my forms class edit_form forms.Form summary forms.CharField description forms.CharField widget forms.TextArea class create_form.. edit_form forms.Form summary forms.CharField description forms.CharField widget forms.TextArea class create_form edit_form name forms.CharField.. widget forms.TextArea class create_form edit_form name forms.CharField The name is immutable and should only be listed when the entity..