

python Programming Glossary: forgot

Common pitfalls in Python [duplicate]


default arguments unless needed but I think with time I forgot about that. Today in the application I added tocElements in..

Programmatically detect system-proxy settings on Windows XP with Python


it can download the egg files via the proxy. UPDATE0 I forgot one important detail Each site has an auto config pac file...

Adding code to __init__.py


. test.py import dir # can now use dir.something EDIT forgot to mention the code in __init__.py runs the first time you import..

sending a non-blocking HTTP POST request


Do the background job just don't output anything Addenum I forgot to mention you probably have to set the Context Length . Also..

Django + MySQL on Mac OS 10.6.2 Snow Leopard


python_select python26 I did both and they went quick. I forgot to mention how handy 'port search ' command is. I searched for..

Microphone access in Python


Python Can I access a users microphone in Python Sorry I forgot not everyone is a mind reader Windows at minimum XP but Vista..

mysql-python install problem using virtualenv, windows, pip


until mysqldb authors will change the behaviour. Almost forgot to mention. In the same manner one needs to add similar additional..

Sorting CSV in Python


IDLE and wrote a convert function a couple of days ago. I forgot I'd written it and I haven't closed IDLE in a good long while..

Identify groups of continuous numbers in a list


something inbuilt into Python . Edit Note I originally forgot to mention that individual numbers should be returned as individual..

Best way to make Django's login_required the default


@login_required at least then we'd get a quick error if we forgot something. But then I couldn't figure out how to tell if @login_required..

How to pack python libs I'm using so I can distribute them with my app and have as few dependencies as possible


lib version that is already on my system. L.E. Sorry i forgot to specify. I will be doing this on linux. And I'm not referring..

Global Variable from a different file Python


horrible way you're doing it if everybody under the Sun forgot the very existence of the construct from ... import life would..

Gauss-Legendre Algorithm in python


python algorithm pi share improve this question You forgot parentheses around 4 t pi a b 2 4 t You can use decimal to perform..

Slicing of a numpy 2d array, or how do I extract an mxm submatrix from an nxn array (n>m)


in the NumPy documentation on indexing . Oh and nearly forgot about your actual question Here is how to make the indexing..

Traverse a list in reverse order in Python


from len collection and end in collection 0 . EDIT Sorry I forgot to mention I also want to be able to access the loop index...

How to tell for which object attribute pickle fails?


my case I already defined a custom __getstate__ method but forgot about a critical attribute. This happened in a complicated structure..

Django + mod_wsgi + apache: ImportError at / No module named djproj.urls


Python: Temporarily Redirect stdout/stderr


the current solutions which I at first remembered but then forgot is that they don't redirect rather they just replace the streams..

using Python logger class to generate multiple logs for different log levels


else uses this code. Final UPDATE Well I was stupid and forgot to set the logger itself to log DEBUG level events. Since by..

Suppressing treatment of string as iterable


set_fields weapon3 'Name' 'Wand' # I was tired and forgot to put parentheses No exception will be raised and there's no..