

python Programming Glossary: forms.validationerror

Can't add a User to the Database


username except User.DoesNotExist return username raise forms.ValidationError That username already exists. Please select another def clean.. 'password' self.cleaned_data 'password1' raise forms.ValidationError not matched return self.cleaned_data view.py def EmployerRegistration..

get request data in Django form


if UserProfile.objects.filter email email .count raise forms.ValidationError u'That email address already exists.' return email Then in your..

Django admin, custom error message?


'points' if points.isdigit and points 1 raise forms.ValidationError You have no points return points class MyModelAdmin admin.ModelAdmin..

In Django is there a way to display choices as checkboxes?


self if len self.cleaned_data 'my_field' 3 raise forms.ValidationError 'Select no more than 3.' return self.cleaned_data 'my_field'..

form.is_valid() always returning false


account self.cleaned_data 'account' return account raise forms.ValidationError 'Please select an account.' def clean_transactions self if 'transactions'.. self.cleaned_data 'transactions' return transactions raise forms.ValidationError 'At least one transaction is required.' View @login_required..

Why is it “Easier to ask forgiveness than permission” in python, but not in Java? [closed]


username except User.DoesNotExist return username raise forms.ValidationError 'Username is already taken.' Update3 This is perhaps a better..

Django form - set label


self.cleaned_data 'email' self.cleaned_data 'email2' raise forms.ValidationError _ u'You must type the same email each time' return self.cleaned_data..

How can I have Django user registration single step (instead of two step)process with email compulsory?


username except User.DoesNotExist return username raise forms.ValidationError _ A user with that username already exists. def clean_password2.. self.cleaned_data password2 if password1 password2 raise forms.ValidationError _ The two password fields didn't match. return password2 def..

How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in models.py?


passwordrepeat if password passwordrepeat raise forms.ValidationError Passwords must match. return cleaned_data share improve this..