

python Programming Glossary: forms.form

How do I access the request object or any other variable in a form's clean() method?


where you can access it in your clean method. class MyForm forms.Form def __init__ self args kwargs self.request kwargs.pop 'request'..

get request data in Django form


but I'm not sure how to do that. class editUserForm forms.Form email_address forms.EmailField widget forms.TextInput attrs.. actually read from django import forms class UserForm forms.Form email_address forms.EmailField widget forms.TextInput attrs..

Separation of business logic and data access in django


command how can I do this forms.py class ActivateUserForm forms.Form user_id IntegerField widget UsernameSelectWidget verbose_name.. by one or two commands. forms.py class ActivateUserForm forms.Form # see above def execute self # see above query_model InactiveUserDistribution.objects.get_or_create.. providing_args 'user' forms.py class ActivateUserForm forms.Form # see above def execute self # see above user_activated.send_robust..

In Django is there a way to display choices as checkboxes?


by writing a validation method for the field class MyForm forms.Form my_field forms.MultipleChoiceField choices SOME_CHOICES widget..

how to add <div> tag instead of <li>


div tag instead of li forms.py class TypeSelectionForm forms.Form checkbox_field forms.MultipleChoiceField widget forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple..

How does Django Know the Order to Render Form Fields?


Fields If I have a Django form such as class ContactForm forms.Form subject forms.CharField max_length 100 message forms.CharField..

Define css class in django Forms


in django Forms Assume I have a form class SampleClass forms.Form name forms.CharField max_length 30 age forms.IntegerField django_hacker..

How do I create a Django form that displays a checkbox label to the right of the checkbox?


a Django form class similar to this def class MyForm forms.Form check forms.BooleanField required True label Check this It expands..

why would I put python code in __init__.py files


which is incovenient and ugly . class CommentForm forms.forms.Form name forms.fields.CharField url forms.fields.URLField comment.. namespace. from django import forms class CommentForm forms.Form name forms.CharField url forms.URLField comment forms.CharField..

dynamically add field to a form


'arg1' 'arg2' kwarg1 'keyword arg' Views class MyForm forms.Form original_field forms.CharField extra_field_count forms.CharField..

Django Passing Custom Form Parameters to Formset


have a Django Form that looks like this class ServiceForm forms.Form option forms.ModelChoiceField queryset ServiceOption.objects.none..

Django forms, inheritance and order of form fields


the fields. Here's how I define my forms class edit_form forms.Form summary forms.CharField description forms.CharField widget forms.TextArea.. the code would become something like this class edit_form forms.Form summary forms.CharField description forms.CharField widget forms.TextArea.. class create_form edit_form def __init__ self args kwargs forms.Form.__init__ self args kwargs self.fields.insert 0 'name' forms.CharField..