

python Programming Glossary: foos

sqlalchemy easy way to insert or update?


best being pk_cols Foo.table.primary_key.keys for f1 in foos f2 Foo.get getattr f1 c for c in pk_cols if f2 is not None f2.val..

Django, template context processors


my app as such from myproject.myapp.models import Foo def foos request return 'foos' Foo.objects.all and at the end of my setting.py.. myproject.myapp.models import Foo def foos request return 'foos' Foo.objects.all and at the end of my setting.py I have added.. added this TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS 'myapp.processor.foos' Lastly I pass my view as this def index_view request return..

Pyramid authorization for stored items


be found by traversing the resource tree using the urls foos obj bars obj Your resource tree then becomes a hierarchy of.. you can place an __acl__ on the resource object root Root foos FooContainer ` obj Foo ` bars BarContainer ` obj Bar You.. def __init__ self request self.request request self 'foos' FooContainer self 'foos' self 'bars' BarContainer self 'bars'..

How to Use python map and other functional tools


functional programming in python. The following code foos 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 bars 1 2 3 def maptest foo bar print foo.. bars 1 2 3 def maptest foo bar print foo bar map maptest foos bars produces 1.0 1 2.0 2 3.0 3 4.0 None 5.0 None Q. Is there.. change if there is a dependency between foo and bar. e.g. foos 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 bars 1 2 3 4 5 and print 1.0 2 3 4 5 2.0..

Generic way to create nested dictionary from flat list in python


foo B bar S baz X foo A bar S baz Y foo C bar R baz Y into foos foo A bars bar R bazs baz X baz Y bar S bazs baz Y foo..