

c++ Programming Glossary: cvcanny

How to use OpenCV to remove non text areas from a business card? [closed]


new IplImage bwMat cvSmooth smothedImage smothedImage cvCanny smothedImage smothedImage 10 100 c image processing opencv..

OpenCV: Using Hough Circle Transformation to detect iris


recognition share improve this question Add a call to cvCanny between cvSmooth and cvHoughCircles . This will execute an edge..

Better algorithm for edge filter in video programming


CV_BGR2GRAY cvSmooth src_gray src_gray CV_GAUSSIAN 5 11 cvCanny src_gray src_gray 70 200 3 cvFindContours src_gray storage contours.. you throw at it. Also smoothing the image before using cvCanny is unnecessary as the Canny operator already performs smoothing..

Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning


rgbcanny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny 50 100 3 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles gray storage..

Cant get output result using cvCornerHarris()


Harris corner cvCornerHarris srcImgGry harrisImg 5 5 0.04 cvCanny srcImgGry cannyImg 50 100 3 5 Display the result cvNamedWindow.. cannyImg I can get a expected output image of cvCanny cannyImg but the output image of cvCornerHarris harrisImg is..