

c++ Programming Glossary: cvwaitkey

OpenCV : convert the pointer in memory to image


win1 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage win1 cv_image cvWaitKey 10 release resources cvReleaseImageHeader cv_image cvDestroyWindow..

OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image


Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


box cvMoveWindow name 200 100 cvShowImage name temp if cvWaitKey 15 27 break cvReleaseImage image cvReleaseImage temp cvDestroyWindow.. box if frame2 break cvShowImage Example2 frame2 char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow Example2.. box cvMoveWindow name 200 100 cvShowImage name temp if cvWaitKey 15 27 break cvReleaseImage temp cvDestroyWindow name cvNamedWindow..

How to link opencv in QtCreator and use Qt library


cv imread img.JPG cvNamedWindow hello cv imshow hello mat cvWaitKey 0 return 0 c qt opencv qt creator share improve this question..

Very simple application fails with “multiple target patterns” from Eclipse


200 cvMoveWindow WINDOW_NAME 0 0 int key 0 while true key cvWaitKey 0 if key 27 cvGetWindowHandle WINDOW_NAME 0 break Window ~Window..

OpenCV: process every frame


processed_frame Exit when user press ESC key cvWaitKey 10 Free memory cvDestroyWindow result cvReleaseCapture capture.. processed_frame Exit when user press ESC key cvWaitKey 10 Free memory cvDestroyWindow result cvReleaseCapture capture..

xutility file?


cvFlip frame frame_copy 0 detect_and_draw frame_copy if cvWaitKey 30 0 break cvReleaseImage frame_copy cvReleaseCapture capture.. cvLoadImage filename 1 if image detect_and_draw image cvWaitKey 0 cvReleaseImage image else assume it is a text file containing.. cvLoadImage buf 1 if image detect_and_draw image cvWaitKey 0 cvReleaseImage image fclose f cvDestroyWindow result..

OpenCV - cvWaitKey( )


cvWaitKey Can you just explain what cvWaitKey does I saw it from the.. cvWaitKey Can you just explain what cvWaitKey does I saw it from the OpenCV reference but it wasn't clear.. for me Thanks. c c opencv share improve this question cvWaitKey x cv waitKey x does two things It waits for x milliseconds for..

MJPEG streaming and decoding


frame cvShowImage video frame quit if user press 'q' key cvWaitKey 1000 fps free memory cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow..

Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning


cvShowImage circles rgbcanny cvSaveImage out.png rgbcanny cvWaitKey 0 return 0 The detection of the circles depend a lot on the..

OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010


mainWin img wait 10 ms for a key to be pressed c cvWaitKey 10 escape key terminates program if c 27 break return 0 What.. display CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage display img cvWaitKey 0 return 0 At this point we need to configure the project so..

Masking a blob from a binary image


0 0 cvShowImage walking gray_frame frameCount 0 char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break double m00 double cvGetCentralMoment moments..