

c++ Programming Glossary: cvreleasecapture

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


Example2 frame2 char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow Example2 return 0 c c image processing.. vid_frame cvReleaseImage gray_roi cvReleaseImage rgb_roi cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow Example2 return 0 share improve this..

Better algorithm for edge filter in video programming


33 0 break cvDestroyWindow Contours cvDestroyWindow Source cvReleaseCapture cam ...and finally the long waited example pictures First the..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


assumed. Note C does not support default int error C2365 'cvReleaseCapture' redefinition previous definition was 'function' 1 c opencv2.3.. opencv2 highgui highgui_c.h 311 see declaration of 'cvReleaseCapture' error C2065 'outputMovie' undeclared identifier error C4430.. cvReleaseImage movingAverage cvDestroyWindow My Window cvReleaseCapture input cvReleaseVideoWriter outputMovie return 0 Kindly help..

Why OpenCV's `cvCreateCameraCapture` and `cvCreateFileCapture` do not work? How can I fix it?


KillCam frame char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 30 break cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow KillCam Would be very grateful for your..

Playing AVI files in OpenCV


Example2 frame char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow Example2 c opencv share improve..

OpenCV: process every frame


ESC key cvWaitKey 10 Free memory cvDestroyWindow result cvReleaseCapture capture int main int argc char argv process_video make_it_gray.. ESC key cvWaitKey 10 Free memory cvDestroyWindow result cvReleaseCapture capture int main int argc char argv process_video make_it_gray..

Detecting an unplugged capture device (OpenCV)


openCV: How to split a video into image sequence?


with it... cvSaveImage some_file_name_with_seq_nr myImage cvReleaseCapture capture As hinted the above needs much syntax and logic work..

xutility file?


if cvWaitKey 30 0 break cvReleaseImage frame_copy cvReleaseCapture capture else if input_name isdigit input_name 0 input_name..

OpenCV - getting the slider to update its position during video playback


Tom 'n Jerry Show frame char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture g_capture cvDestroyWindow The Tom 'n Jerry Show return 0 Any.. Video g_slider_position char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture video_capture cvDestroyWindow Video return 0 share improve..

OpenCV insufficient memory


20 cvShowImage win1 dest cvShowImage win2 img cvWaitKey 0 cvReleaseCapture capture cvReleaseImage dest cvDestroyWindow win1 cvDestroyWindow..

MJPEG streaming and decoding


quit if user press 'q' key cvWaitKey 1000 fps free memory cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow video return 0 Step 3. Prepare To Convert..

Masking a blob from a binary image


67929 cvReleaseImage color_frame cvReleaseImage gray_frame cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow walking return 0 I would also like to..