

c++ Programming Glossary: cvcvtcolor

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


the ROI to grayscale cvSetImageROI vid_frame box cvCvtColor vid_frame gray_roi CV_BGR2GRAY cvShowImage Example2 gray_roi.. back to the original image and display it on the screen cvCvtColor gray_roi rgb_roi CV_GRAY2BGR As the ROI is still set cvCopy..

OpenCV: Using Hough Circle Transformation to detect iris


grayscaleImg cvCreateImage cvGetSize capturedImg 8 1 cvCvtColor capturedImg grayscaleImg CV_BGR2GRAY Gaussian filter for less..

Better algorithm for edge filter in video programming


src_gray cvCreateImage cvSize img width img height 8 1 cvCvtColor img src_gray CV_BGR2GRAY cvSmooth src_gray src_gray CV_GAUSSIAN..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


temp difference Convert the image to grayscale. cvCvtColor difference greyImage CV_RGB2GRAY Convert the image to black.. temp 1.0 0.0 cvAbsDiff colourImage temp difference cvCvtColor difference greyImage CV_RGB2GRAY cvThreshold greyImage greyImage..

Convert RGB to Black & White in OpenCV


im_gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize im_rgb IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor im_rgb im_gray CV_RGB2GRAY C Mat im_rgb imread image.jpg Mat..

OpenCV: process every frame


fprintf stderr cvCreateImage failed n return NULL cvCvtColor frame gray_frame CV_RGB2GRAY return gray_frame process_video..

xutility file?


scale cvRound img height scale 8 1 CvPoint pt1 pt2 int i cvCvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY cvResize gray small_img CV_INTER_LINEAR.. 1 cvCopy img clone 0 cvNamedWindow ROI CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvCvtColor clone gray CV_RGB2GRAY face_rect.x pt1.x face_rect.y pt1.y..

OpenCV insufficient memory


if img 0 break dest cvCloneImage img hsv cvCloneImage img cvCvtColor img hsv CV_BGR2HSV for i 0 i xmax i for j 0 j ymax j arr.. div div 2 5 j cvSet2D dest i j destpix3 Creating Windows cvCvtColor fin dest CV_HSV2BGR key cvWaitKey 20 cvShowImage win1 dest cvShowImage..

Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning


IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 cvCvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY This is done so as to prevent a lot of.. gray storage CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 1 gray height 3 250 100 cvCvtColor canny rgbcanny CV_GRAY2BGR for size_t i 0 i circles total i..

Cant get output result using cvCornerHarris()


srcImgGry cvCreateImage cvGetSize srcImg IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor srcImg srcImgGry CV_RGB2GRAY Canny and Harris expect grayscale.. gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize colored IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor colored gray CV_RGB2GRAY IplImage harris cvCreateImage cvGetSize..

Converting YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV


image. At the moment the best results were with the OpenCV cvCvtColor scr dst CV_YUV2BGR function call. I am currently unaware of..

How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv?


Here's the algorithm code of this processing Color to Gray cvCvtColor image gray CV_RGB2GRAY color threshold cvThreshold gray gray..

Hand detection using OpenCV


in iplimage colored it and then converted it to HSV with cvCvtColor imageHand imageHand CV_BGR2HSV I don't know the efficient algorithm..

Masking a blob from a binary image


does not exist quit the loop frameCount if frameCount 5 cvCvtColor color_frame gray_frame CV_BGR2GRAY cvThreshold gray_frame gray_frame..